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Multe telefoane mobile iti pot exploda in mana! Al tau e pe lista? Marcile de care sa te feresti
Articol de Cristian AmarieiCel putin 60 de astfel de plangeri au fost depuse, in ultimii doi ani, doar pe teritoriul Statelor Unite ale Americii.
Senatorul american Charles Schumer a declarat, duminica, in Manhattan, ca unele baterii de telefoane mobile se pot supraincalzi si pot exploda. El s-a referit la cele prost construite, de cele mai multe ori copiate mai mult sau mai putin fidel dupa produse originale.
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In the age of the smartphone, most people think of "mobile" as referring to their device. But what about mobile devices in the age of the internet? Mobile devices have become a critical part of our lives, whether we're using them to stay connected or to access the web.cctv installers kent
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