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"Macar bine ca nu era viu". O femeie a impietrit cand a vazut ce este intr-o paine
Articol de Madalina IrimiaO femeie din Statele Unite a impietrit cand a vazut ce este in painea pe care tocmai o cumparase de la brutarie. Descoperirea este pe cale sa declanseze un scandal ce ar putea sa afecteze imaginea unui mare lant de brutarii.
La sfarsitul saptamanii trecute, un utilizator Reddit a postat o imagine cu ceea ce pare sa fie un sarpe gatit intr-o paine. El a adaugat comentariul: “Matusa mea a gasit un sarpe intreg intr-o paine”.
Utilizatorul, humanimalcracker, a confirmat apoi in sectiunea de comentarii ca painea a fost cumparata de la o brutarie Mrs. Bairds’s – un lant de brutarii foarte cunoscut in Texas.
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This is not good thing. Bread is journey used in every house on daily basis this is very harmful for everyone either they are human or animal. But Wondershare Free For Students is trustable software for student because in school time or college time they have to complete their assignment on time. so this is very useful.
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Because I'm in an identical spot, I sympathise.My spouse have never as January, and it sounds that it's a crusade to establish she actually is
This is so bad! I can’t believe that with such careless attitudes they make something that people will buy to eat. They build dissertation abstract for understudies. I think without wasting a moment one must report to the food inspectors. That bakery should be sealed at once.
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