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Profesorul fizician Joerg Heber, Doctor Honoris Causa al Universitatii Tehnice „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iasi
Articol de Diana DumitriuFacultatea de Constructii de Masini si Managment Industrial a Universitatii Tehnice „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iasi (TUIASI) a acordat titlul onorific de Doctor Honoris Causa (DHC) profesorului fizician de origine germana Joerg Heber.
Din comisia de acordare a distinctiei au facut parte prof. univ. dr. ing. Ion Giurma, rectorul TUIASI (in calitate de presedinte), prof. univ. dr. Tudor Luchian si prof. univ. dr. Ovidiu-Gabriel Iancu de la Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iasi, prof. univ. dr. ing. Petru Dusa, prof. univ. dr. Eugen Axinte si prof. univ. dr. ing. Gheorghe Nagit de la TUIASI.
„Am mai avut colaborari si anterior cu domnul profesor Joerg Heber, in calitate de senior editor, in cadrul unei reviste a grupului Nature, si pe viitor dorim sa consolidam aceasta colaborare, domnul profesor urmand sa ocupe functia de managing editor. De asemenea, profesorul Heber a participat in calitate de keyspeaker la Workshopul "Oportunitati, provocari si perspective in utilizarea noilor materiale in industrie", organizat de facultatea noastra in perioada 26-27 septembrie a.c.", a declarat prof. univ. dr. ing. Eugen Axinte din comisia de acordare a titlului de DHC.
Profesorul Joerg Heber s-a nascut pe 10 martie 1971 Ia Fuerth (Landul Bavaria-German). A obtinut titlul de doctor in fizica aplicata la lmperial College of London, pentru lucarea sa acesta primind premiul lnternational Young Author Best Paper Award din partea Union of Pure and Applied Physics-IUP din Marea Britanie. Profesorul Joerg Heber a fost cercetator post-doctoral si bursiear al prestigioasei burse Marie Curie Fellowship a Comisiei Europene si cercetator in cadrul Bell Laboratories-Lucent TechnoIogies (Murrayhill, New Jersey-US). Din anul 2005, Joerg Heber si-a inceput cariera de editor la Nature Materials din cadrul Nature Publishing Group Macmillan Publishers–London, UK (revista cu factor de impact 29). Activitatea de cercetare stiintifica si publicistica a profesorului Joerg Heber s-a concretizat in publicarea a peste 100 de lucrari stiintifice, editoriale si review-uri de reviste de specialitate de mare impact cum ar fi Nature, Science, Nature Materials, Applied Physics Letters etc.
Like many other ailments, people are not properly informed about the reality of sleep apnea, especially if they have never dealt with it before. Many people begin to develop this issue later in life and are unaware of how to reduce problems with it- that is where this article comes in with useful tips! To help with your sleep apnea, you need to consult with your doctor about the best CPAP machine to use. Take into consideration both the noise and size of the CPAP machine. Some machines are smaller than a bread box and can be whisper quiet. Your doctor should be able to point you in the right direction of a capable machine. If you have just been diagnosed with sleep apnea and prescribed a CPAP, join a CPAP support group. It can be quite difficult to get used to sleeping with a mask on your face every night. Sitting in a room full of other people going through the same thing can be very empowering. You can learn from others who have had the same issues you are having and made adjustments to make it work. If you have sleep apnea and cannot break the habit of sleeping on your back, try sleeping in a t-shirt with two tennis balls sewn into the back. Making this sleep shirt is a simple project to do at home, and it can help to break you of sleeping on your back. Every time you try to roll over on your back in your sleep, the tennis balls will remind you to roll back onto your side. Try your best to lay off tobacco and nicotine products. Cigarette smoke can irritate your upper airway causing it to swell up, subsequently hindering your ability to breath during the night. Quitting smoking could therefore, significantly improve your sleep apnea symptoms and will also improve your body's overall health and your feelings of well-being. Keep your bedroom in prime shape for sleeping. Insomnia and sleep apnea are often connected. This makes keeping an environment in which you sleep at the right temperature, lightness level and sound level important for helping you get a good night of rest. The right environment also means leaving your stresses outside the bedroom to ensure you are relaxed enough to fall asleep. Avoid any type of drugs or alcohol if you are experiencing any type of sleep apnea. Drugs and alcohol will slow down your respiratory system, and that is known to be one of the causes of sleep apnea. If you are struggling with this issue, try to get some professional help to overcome these addictions. A great way to ensure that you do not sleep on your back and cause sleep apnea to occur is to use a tennis ball to prevent rolling onto your back. You can place one in a pillow behind your back and when you roll over in your sleep, the tennis ball will make you roll back on your side. Minimize your risk from the conditions causing sleep apnea. Some sleep apnea risk factors cannot be changed, like genetic or hereditary reasons. But others, such as weight smoking and drinking, can be controlled. Throughout history, sleep apnea has been one of the most frustrating, often dangerous conditions from which a person can suffer. Anyone wishing to alleviate their sleep apnea symptoms must first acquire complete comprehension of the condition's causes and possible treatments. Keep the material from this article nearby, and you will have a useful reference to help you navigate the sea of potential solutions.
Some Elementary Advice To Effectively Defeat Panic Attacks Did you know that people with higher than normal intelligence are prone to panic attacks? If you experience these attacks, hopefully this knowledge along with the other helpful tips in this article will assist you with finding peace of mind in trying to deal with your situation.
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